


All DCBC’s ministries are funded by your generous financial gifts. Our giving ought to be cheerful and always motivated by God’s grace (2 Corinthians 9:1-15). We thank God that for more than 50 years, God has used his people to provide for all of DCBC’s ministry needs through faithful tithe and offerings. 

Currently you can designate the donation into the following funds:


· General Fund

· Missions Fund

· Building Fund


Thank you for your support!

1. Offering by Check – in the current situation where we are having online services, please send your checks to:


Dallas Chinese Bible Church
c/o Accounting Office
1707 Campbell Trail
Richardson, TX 75082


2. Offering by online payment through your banking institution. You simply go through your banking institution’s online banking (or bill pay center) to set up an online payment with Dallas Chinese Bible Church (or DCBC) being the payee, and if prompted, DCBC-Offering as the account number. DCBC’s address and phone number are:


 1707 Campbell Trail

  Richardson, TX 75082



3. Online giving through Paypal


How to Designate Your Donations on Paypal


General Fund: All donations that do not have "25" or "50" in the cents amount will be automatically allocated to our General Fund. 


Missions Fund: If you wish to donate to our Mission Fund, please include "25" in the cents amount of your donation. For example, a donation of $100.25 would be allocated to the Mission Fund.


Building Fund: If you wish to donate to our Building Fund, please include "50" in the cents amount of your donation. For example, a donation of $100.50 would be allocated to the Building Fund."


Love Offering: If you wish to donate to specific DCBC Love Offering, please include "15" in the cents amount of your donation. For example, a donation of $100.15 would be allocated to the Love Offering Fund."

To ensure your donation via Paypal is properly recorded by the accounting office, please remember to check the box marked "share my name and email with this charity" when completing your donation on the PayPal webpage.


 Please click the following button to start..

We are grateful for your continued giving toward the ministries of the Lord at DCBC!

Please email if you have any questions about giving.


Last updated on : 6/11/2023