AWANA is a Friday night environment for children from 3 years old to 6th grade, separated into three different age groups: Cubbies (3-4 years), Sparks (K-2nd Grade), T&T (3rd-6th Grade).
Your child will connect and grow with the same friends and leaders throughout the year, learn and memorize God’s Word, and play fun games or learn to serve in ministry teams. We meet throughout the school year (September through May).
Registration will open on August 1st
Date: September 6, 2024 - May 9, 2025
Time: Fridays, 7:15-9:00 PM (Check-in begins at 7:00 PM)
Age: 3 years old to 6th Grade (Our youngest clubbers must turn 3 years old by September 1)
Fall Kick-off Date: Friday, Sept 6, 2024
Parent Orientation: Sunday, Sept 1, 2024, 7:15 PM on Zoom
Registration Fee: $60/child (additional $20 for each uniform)
Register by Sunday, Aug 25 to ensure your Clubber Kits are ready for pick-up by the Kickoff Date.
Registration fee is waived for kids of ordained pastors, missionaries supported by DCBC, full-time seminary students, and DCBC staff.
AWANA Payment
The preferred payment method is electronically through Zelle using email:
Please put in the note "AWANA & all of attending kids' names".
Please do not pay until you have completed the registration form. Please be sure to enter the correct total fees for uniform and books.
The alternate method is to pay with Check or Cash.