Sundays at DCBC Kids

Preschool & Elementary Worship (9:30 AM)

Preschool & Elementary Sunday School (11:15 AM)


Nursery (Infant - 2's)

Nursery is available for both 9:30 am & 11:15 am services. Babies are nurtured by our caretakers through play time, songs, and snacks.


Preschool (3’s – Kindergarten)

Preschool children 3 years old to Kindergarten participate in Preschool Worship at 9:30 am, and Preschool Sunday School at 11:15 am. Preschool Worship involves a large group time for singing and Bible lessons, while Preschool Sunday School involves a more personal small group time with review activities and life application.


Elementary (1st-6th grade)

Elementary kids (1st – 6th grade) participate in Elementary Worship at 9:30 am, and Elementary Sunday School at 11:15 am.  Elementary Worship involves a large group time for singing and Bible lessons, while Elementary Sunday School involves a more personal small group time with review activities and life application.


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