Serving Opportunities.

Stephen Ministry.

Stephen Ministers are trained to provide one-to-one Christian care to hurting people in our and around our congregation, the bereaved, hospitalized, terminally ill, separated, divorced, unemployed, relocated, and others facing a crisis or life challenge.


The church has sponsored 23 missionaries and their families, 3 mission fields, 20 mission organizations, and several seminarian students. Not only we support our missions financially, we put them in action. We have brothers and sisters involved in the short term missions to Asia, Mexico, South America, Europe, Canada, the Middle East, and in the United States. Our mission choir goes to different cities for evangelism every year. We also sponsored our youth to involve in missions. In the past, some of our youth went to the third world to teach English in order to bring gospel to the un-reached land.


We have evangelistic meetings in Cantonese, Mandarin, and English every year in our church. In addition, we have language classes, Vacation Bible School for children and adults, and family camps to evangelize to non-believers.

Music Ministry.

DCBC is blessed with creative and diverse music program.  Our program involves from adults to children.  Through music we can affirm our faith, encourage and challenge others.

Adult Choir – The choir gives members the opportunity to serve God through music.  Choir leads the praise with our church family.  We seek to have all that have the heart to serve.

Children’s Choir – Children from grades 1 – 6 are encourage to join the choir.  This is the right place for the children to experience the joy of singing praises to God.

Handbell Choir – Young people from upper elementary through high school can participate.  The choir provides special music in worship service and special church events.

Orchestra – The orchestra welcomes all that have training in various instruments to come together and use their talents and gifts the Lord has blessed.  The orchestra provides the support during worship and special services.

Family Ministry.

The Dallas Chinese Bible Church “Family Ministry” is a ministry that shepherds church members to grow in the character of Christ-likeness.  This ministry includes parental and marital education, counseling, caring for elderly, and meeting needs for single adults.    


The ministry goal is to teach God’s Word with integrity to seekers and believers. By the grace of God, we can overcome life’s conflicts and obstacles.  The ultimate goal is to help our members demonstrate godly living set forth by the teaching of Scripture.


What does Family Ministry do?

     In family ministry, our main strategies are “Prevention” and “Intervention.” 

Prevention ministry includes:


• Teaching (Sunday school, workshops, books, etc)

• Caring (admonishment and comfort)

• Other encouragement programs


Intervention ministry includes counseling, caring, and mentoring.

Who to contact?

     William Wu, Family Minister –